GT 3.1 Gestión turística, innovación y tecnología e la nueva era digital

Joan Francesc Fondevila Gascón (UPF, UdG, URL, UAB, UB, UOC, UCJC, CECABLE)
Gaspar Berbel (Escuela Mediterrani de Turismo)
Josep Maria Espinet Rius (Universitat de Girona)
Elena Puiggròs Román (EU Mediterrani)

Social network popularity has been greatly increased over the last years. Due to the high amounts of users, companies have shown interest in utilizing these networks as a means to increment their visibility, popularity, and ultimately, sales. In the present study, brand fan pages from companies in the Facebook social network and the way users take advantage of them have been analysed. We analyse, from a comparative perspective, diverse sectors: tourism, entertainment, fashion, technology, automotive industry and beverage industry. The election of Facebook was made due to their leadership in number of profiles and in global penetration, as well as the greater quantity of followed brands compared to other social networks.

Palabras clave: communication, Facebook, social network, brand, brand fan pages, internet, marketing, positioning, information